May 25, 2010


A sadness. An emptiness, a hole, in ones own soul. It makes them feel lacking, unworthy... inadequate.
We pursue things in a vain attempt to fill the gap. Because acquisition means worthiness, it means being good enough... and its a stroke of the ego.
We bore with the things we win because the desire is no longer there... we grow confident in our worthiness to have and our ability to acquire that the challenge, the impossibility has disappeared
We always want the most the things we think we cant have... it hurts to feel inadequate... and its fulfilling to find out otherwise.
The excitement of the chase isnt the tease of pray you cant have, because failure hurts... and it isnt the having of the pray you thought you couldnt, because having is boring... but the satisfaction comes at the moment you sink your teeth in and you know you are worthy
You see? Before acquisition we are empty... and after acquisition we are still left feeling empty. This is why material things and material conquests never yields lasting, true satisfaction with life... and it forces some people into the habit, the delusional belief, that continuous indulgence must be made more frequent for more sustained happiness


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